If You Want to Be a Successful Leader Know it’s Going to Be Hard
The following post is from John Eades' "Building The Best" from July 30, 2021: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/you-want-successful-leader-know-its-going-hard-john-eades/?trk=eml-email_series_follow_newsletter_01-hero-1-title_link&midToken=AQGgWYn8AI_qww&fromEmail=fromEmail&ut=00KsGSbl269FU1 Doing hard things isn't easy. Most people avoid challenging things altogether. Others choose to start, but when they figure out the difficulty of what's ahead of them, they decide to take the path of least resistance. Take Mike, a former front-line manager in a manufacturing facility as an example. After seven years of honing his skills as an engineer in the plant, he applied for an...